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The Beastlord's Domain

Comprehensive Beastlord Epic Walkthrough

There are two ways to begin the epic, you can:
1) Hail Historian Sharar (found in on of the libraries in front of the Palace in Shar Vahl).
2) Skip right to the Copper Medal of War (part 3). 
If Historian Sharar will not talk to you due to your level, simply skip the first two parts of the epic.
1.  Hail Historian Sharar
She is located in one of the libraries outside of the Palace in Shar Vahl.  Follow the quest text prompts.  She will mention something about the Khati Sha being disturbed about the spiritual realm, and will give you a book to bring to Elder Animist Dumul. 
2. Bring Book to Elder Animist Dumul
He is found in the Beastlord guild in Shar Vahl, inside the Palace.  Give him the book and he will ask you how much you know.  State to him, "I know the Khati Sha are disturbed about the spiritual realm."  He asks you to further prove your worthiness by helping the Scouts in Grimling Forest, and to return to him a Copper Medal of War when you are finished.
3. Copper Medal of War
Go to Grimling Forest (if you zone in from Hollowshade Moor the outpost is directly in front of you) and go to the Vah Shir outpost.  Standing in front of the Bank should be Scout Husman. If he dies his respawn time is 10 minutes, if he is not up after 10 minutes it is a bug, and please report it.
In one of the other buildings in the fort there is a merchant who sells Polished Acrylia Spheres cost about 65-75 pp each.  Buy one and when you are ready to begin the raid on the Grimling camp (buffed and have everyone you need ready), hand it to Scout Husman. 
When you hand Scout Husman the sphere, he will pause for a minute or so, then start walking.  Follow him to the Grimling camp across the bridge from the fort, there waves of 4 to 6 Grimlings will attack him.  Your job is to keep Scout Husman alive during these attacks until the Grimling Officer spawns.  Kill the Grimling Officer to receive his Scalp.  Turn his Scalp in to Scout Husman to receive the Copper Medal of War.  If Scout Husman dies, or you otherwise fail at this part, simply buy another Polished Acrylia Sphere and wait ten minutes for Scout Husman to pop again, then try it again. 
Things you should know:
*You will need about one full group of people about level 45 or two to three people in the 50's.  Some Beastlords about level 55 have solo'd this part, but it can be overwhelming for one person.
*The Grimling Officer can not be Mesmerized.
*Scout Husman has low hitpoints, and can not be healed, buffed, or tampered with in any way. 
*At level 45 most of the Grimlings conned green, but the Grimling Officer is slightly harder and conned light blue.
*The Grimling Officer can also drop a Crude Fur Bandolier (it's like a quiver, only for throwing weapons, not bad for a Monk or Beastlord if you use throwing weapons and is no drop), and sometimes some weapons that are no drop and used in a quest for Grimling Bane weapons.  I suggest allowing someone of the appropriate class to loot these, as an added bonus for helping you. 
Once you have received the Copper Medal of War, return it to Elder Animist Dumul in the Beastlord guild in Shar Vahl.  He will hand you an Official Seal of the Khati Sha and a six-slot container called a Carved Wooden Crate.  He then states some quest text (simply follow the prompts) giving you some background story on what it is that is bothering the Khati Sha and the spiritual realm. 
4. The Six Spirit Fights
This part can be done in any order.  You must find each Scout in the zones listed below and hand him the Official Seal of the Khati Sha, this will immediately spawn the Spirit which you need to kill in order to receive your totem.  Hand in the totem immediately after you loot it to the Scout, and he will return to you the Official Seal of the Khati Sha and the Wrapped Totem.  If the Scout you are looking for is not up, they are reported to have a 36-72 hour respawn or a six day respawn time. 
Scout Locations
     Permafrost (LOC: -228, -23)
     Feerrott (LOC: -2240, +364)
     Lesser Faydark (LOC: +187, -1885)
     Emerald Jungle (LOC: +237, +4212)
     Stonebrunt Mountains (LOC: +3850, -3530)
     Swamp of No Hope (LOC: -3637, +2327)
Scout Location: By the entrance ladder, behind some rocks.
Clear the bear caves past the King and the Diplomat prior to handing in the Seal, then get a Call of Hero back to the spawn area, where your forces should be waiting.  It is recommended to pull the Icebound Spirit to the Ice Witch area to fight.  Watch for other named mobs in the area, such as the Ice Witch (a level 50 Wizard). 
Hand Scout Janomin the Seal, and the Icebound Spirit will spawn (a big polar bear).  Kill the Icebound Spirit and Zehkes the Great Storm will spawn, emote some text then dissapear.  Hand the Ice Bear Totem to Scout Janomin and receive the Wrapped Ice Bear Totem and the Seal. 
Icebound Spirit:
Level: 55
Max Damage: 255
Hitpoints: Approx. 25k to 30k
Abilities: Cold-based AoE DD 400pt, Flurries, Immune to Slow. High Cold Resist, Low Fire Resist and Poison Resist, moderate Magic Resist.
Tactics: Two groups of 50+ recommended, casters should attempt to stay out of AoE range, high Cold Resist needed.
Picture of Icebound Spirit
Map of Scout Loc in Permafrost
Scout Location: East of the Druid Ring, he is trackable from the Druid Ring.
It is best to have the Spirit pulled to the Druid Ring area to kill it, the Druid Ring is on a plateau like area.  The Spirit spawns at LOC: +1030, -2830 to the North of the Scout and can be tracked from the Scout's position.
Hand Scout Ahlikal the Seal, and the Spirit of Decay (a large yellow spider) will spawn. Kill the Spirit of Decay and Yekan the Weaver will appear, emote some text, then dissapear.  Loot the Spider Totem and hand it to Scout Ahlikal, and receive a Wrapped Spider Totem and the Seal.
Spirit of Decay:
Level: 55
Max Damage: 255
Hitpoints: Approx. 25k
Abilities: AoE 100 dmg per tic DoT with a 65% Snare and Two Minute Duration, Summons, may be Immune to Slow. High Poison Resist, Low Cold Resist.
Tactics: Two groups of level 50+, high poison resist suggested, casters should stay out of AoE range, AoE Healing is advised.  After fight make sure no one is DoT'ed, as they may not realize it and die in the confusion. 
Picture of Spirit of Decay
Map of mob and scout loc in Ferrott
Lesser Faydark
Scout Location: South of the zone in to Steamfont Mountains.
Spirit spawns south of the Scout in front of the Shadowmen Temple.
Hand Scout Rahjiq the Seal and the Spirit of Malevolence will spawn (a giant white wolf).  Kill the Spirit and Khaliz the Mistrunner will appear, emote some text, then dissapear.  Loot the Wolf Totem and hand it to Scout Rahjiq, you will receive a Wrapped Wolf Totem and the Seal.
Spirit of Malevolence:
Level: 55
Max Damage: 255
Hitpoints: Approx. 40k
Abilities: AoE Blindness, Flurries, Summons, High Regen Rate, Immune to Slow.  High Magic and Poison Resist, Low Cold and Fire Resist.
Tactics: Two groups level 50+, high magic resist needed, casters should stay out of AoE range. 
Picture of Spirit of Malevolence
Emerald Jungle
Scout Location: Near the stairs to the upper area on the West side of the zone.
Hand Scout Vyrak the Seal and the Spirit of Rage (a giant undead gorilla) will spawn.  After handing in the Seal a mob might spawn and attack the Scout named "a totem fiendling", kill it to keep the Scout alive. Kill the Spirit of Rage and Omakin the Stalker will appear, emote some text, then dissapear.  Loot the Gorilla Totem and hand it to Scout Vyrak, and you will receive a Wrapped Gorilla Totem and the Seal. 
Spirit of Rage:
Level: 55
Max Damage: 255
Hitpoints: Approx. 35k
Abilities: AoE Fear, Flurries, Immune to Slow, has Low Resists.
Tactics: One group level 55+, magic resist 100+, casters should stay out of AoE range. 
Picture of Spirit of Rage
Stonebrunt Mountains
Scout Location: Near the waterfall, in the North East corner of the zone, standing under a tree.
Above the cliff that the waterfall is on there is a ledge area, have all of your raid force use levitate to get to this ledge. (It isn't easy, but doable.)  Have everyone stand back along the North wall of this ledge near the second waterfall to avoid being knocked off the cliff by the Spirit's proc.  After the hand in, it is suggested to have a Mage Call of Hero you to the ledge. 
Hand Scout Malom the Seal and the Spirit of Torment will spawn (a giant will-o-wisp) on the ledge.  Kill the Spirit and Sharik the Watcher will appear, emote some text, then dissapear.  Loot the Totem of the Watcher and hand it to Scout Malom, you will receive a Wrapped Totem of the Watcher and the Seal. 
Spirit of Torment:
Level: 55
Max Damage: 255
Hitpoints: Approx. 15k to 20k
Abilities: Single Target Stun/Knockback with Dispell, Blindness, Flurries, Immune to Slow.  Low Magic, Cold, and Poison Resist.
Tactics: One group 55+, high magic resist, everyone should stay back near the North wall to avoid being knocked off the cliff.
Picture of Spirit of Torment
Swamp of No Hope
Scout Location: Along zone wall, near zone to Firiona Vie.
Spirit spawns under the water just North of the Scout.  Melee should be in the water to attack the Spirit, Casters should stay out of the water.  The Spirit can not be pulled from the water.
Hand Scout Eyru the Seal and the Spirit of Sorrow (a giant alligator) will spawn.  Kill the Spirit and Herikol the Lurker will appear, emote some text and dissapear.  Loot the Alligator Totem and hand it to Scout Eyru, you will receive Wrapped Alligator Totem and the Seal.
Spirit of Sorrow:
Level: 55
Max Damage: 255
Hitpoints: Approx. 30k
Abilities: AoE Stun with Spin, Summons, Immune to Slow.  High to Moderate Magic, Fire and Cold Resists.
Tactics: Two groups 50+, high magic resist.  Casters stay out of the water, Melee's stay in the water.
Picture of Spirit of Sorrow

Please email me with any corrections, suggestions or additional information. 

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